Heads they win, tails you lose

This post was originally published on this site


The wicked allegation put about by Chinese Secretary for garden light exports Harh Rit Up that Klaus Schwab Zum Glück disappeared up his own Steak Holder eight days ago is such an obvious lie, the World Economic Foreskin [WEF] decided – via EU House Coverup Magazine euronews – to regard debunking evidence about this Very Silly theory to be beneath its Very high standards of Very Low Cunning.

Erm, so No, the head of the World Economic Forum’s leader is not dead, but then his Davos devotees would say that….And such, dear reader, is the sum post-empirical rationale for why, as it were, in the eight days since his disappearance began, Unser geliebte Schlaphead has not been seen anywhere in public, or reliably photographed in possession of his primary sense of owning nuzzink und beink sehr glücklich about zat Weltanschaung.

Whatever else you do today, catch up with [and share] John Day’s succinct substack summary of the mess we’re in, the Godless evil we face, and why there is a simple formula in play here, viz: “Zero bailouts of mega multinational bank customers or indeed of the banks themselves….the losses achieved by both bank and client will no longer be the problem of the Nation State: under new Central Banking rules, one second after you invest in a company that goes bust – and/or in the bank that backed that company – THE ENTIRE ASSETS of both will revert to the Big Six Investment Houses: nothing for you, but a hundred percent for them.

Heads they win, tails you lose

We have already seen the effect of Bourse investment giants and their power to turn the free-speaking media into agents of the State, still [for example] punting the lie that Pfizer vaccines are safe and there was no funny business during the 2020 voting for a new POTUS.

At the next stage, large multinationals will go the wall, and soon afterwards the banking system will stop bailing out the banks that collapse along with them. The biggest asset strip and digitalisation scam together designed to create the global monopoly Schwab dubbed The Great Reset will then simply take your assets and add them to their balance sheets. By the time the process is unstoppable, it’ll be far too late to decide whether you vill be happy viz nussink: you will have nothing, period. It will be a case of Great Day at Black Rock.

To put some relativity scale on this: that Number 1 Black Rock House directly controls $10 trillion in assets under management. That’s a sum in excess of the GDP of Germany, Japan, India, the UK, France, Brazil, Italy and Canada.

And so it’s no surprise Black Rock is miles beyond the Rule of Law.

Let’s take Number 2 House, Vanguard: it has around about $7.7 trillion in global assets under management. This delivers a gdp equivalent to the output of France and the UK put together. Are you at last getting it? These people answer to nobody. They have delivered eunuch status unto our pointlessly elected assemblies. They don’t give a shit for us: to them, we are not so much in the system as in the way.

At the End of the Day, billions may will wonder why we all failed to notice how much the self-styled elites despise those of us not at the top table.

So here’s an example to be going on with….


In the swirling mists of corruption typified by the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS], we the inhabitants of this mini-EU are accustomed to the predictable arrival of BigWigs to confer during Summits.

At the end of the week after next, there is going to be a major Afro-Islamic summit meeting, hosted by the Chinese conference centre here in Serrakunda. There are 52 members in this club, none of whom must be allowed to see those tiptoeing along the poverty line which – as usual in Africa – is the lot of The People who scratch a living sufficient to be taxed.

That taxpayers’ money is now being used to tarmac side roads, repaint apartment blocks in the vicinity and give the impression – however brief or unbelievable – of a 21st century “modern” State in which the new Bertil Harding six-lane vanity highway will carrry the pen-pushers from airport to conference entry without once having to see beggars, small children and stick-thin senior citizens whose destitution helped pay for this little jolly for the delegates.

Heads they win, tails you lose.

They will emerge from their air-conditioned luxury coaches, avoiding eye contact with everyone bar the odd yellow-headed darting gecko, dressed from empty brain to leather-clad feet in designer clothing [the delegates, not the geckos…although at times I wonder] and retreat behind the doors of the blot on the landscape representing the peak of Chinese brutalist architectural design talent.

Therein, they will find their luxury suites, and rarely if ever venture out into the clear light of yet another day in The Gambian subsistence economy that only exists in the first place because the equally unsuspecting tattooed and footie-distracted poorer Europeans arrive during their late autumn and winter in search of cheap solar rays and sex with people half their age.

As is the way with Gambian Time, probably the huge steamrollers that created the newly tarmaced entrance road will have left the scene a little more than an hour before the besuited bureaucrats step down the coach steps….and become tiny insects in the pay of a godless China and Islamist Saudi Arabia, allies who have nothing in common beyond the need to tell everyone else what to do.

They began preparing for the visit of the Almighty Ones two weeks ago; the first idea I had about it was when my office apartment began to shake at 6.30 am. My second instinct was there was a Force Five quake going on outside. When I found out the real cause was the world’s biggest vaginal vibrator disguised as a massive digger, my third instinct was to find a fully loaded AK47 mass murder machine and then wipe out every last member of the Compliance Class I could find.

Harsh perhaps….but unfair? I don’t think so. This time, there is no General Eisenhower-led US 7th Cavalry racing to our rescue, with photographers on hand to capture unshopped images. This time, there are just five power centres taking shape, their twisted power output based not on photoveritas, but rather on the power to misrepresent it:

* Bio technology as a weapon to kill on a DNA targeted basis, and track-n-trace where everyone is within 7.8 seconds of CIA/NSA surveillance

* Digitalised giga-wealth in Dollars, held entirely by the Big Six bourse investment houses with eye-watering amounts of funds under investment

* A Russo-Chinese $ competitor for Brics, dubbed the Rublenimby

* A global religion regarding all things Western as Satanic and depraved

* Unstable States and Blocks with military nuclear capability.

What they might do for, to, with or against those five blocs is, to say the least of it, enigmatic. But to achieve some analytical perspective on the dangers involved, one really only has to put names to the blank faces involved:

Anthony Fauci, Barack Obama, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesuit on their highly polished shoes. To them, we are simply in the way…just more of those expendable citizens dumb enough to die for Henry Kissinger’s psychopats, Elon Musk, Rishi Sunak, Ursula von der Leyen, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Keir Starmer, Grant Shapps, David Cameron, Emmanuel Macron, John Paulson, Warren Buffett, James Simons, Ray Dalio, Carl Icahn, Dan Loeb, Jamie Dimon, Klaus Schwab, Tony Blair, Xai Ping, Vladimir Putin, Vlodomore Zelenskyy, and yes – he has to be factored in – Donald Trump.

They don’t give a flying fuck for any of us. We are, at best, shhy expressed as follows:

America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests

So much for the Anglo-American “Special Relationship”.

Lest you feel the need to dismiss me as an incurable Ameriphobe, please bear the following in mind:

1. Half my family is American.

2. My Dad trained AAF farm boys in East Africa to go into action as pilots against the Japanese from 1943 to 1945. He described them as the bravest cannon fodder he ever met. On their return from a mission, he had the unpleasant job of scraping their remains from various glass bubbles atop and at the rear of daylight bombers.

3. The late George Carlin remains for me the Last Great American.

If there are any Peace IABATO* Medals left, they all all belong to George.

* It’s All Bollocks And That’s Official

if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?

When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat.

I don’t blame Washington correspondents for the words of Congressmen you repeat. Mind you, you are implicated.

My Dad didn’t knowingly kill anyone in the Second World War. But he did save a lot of lives through strict training about how to come out alive.

On his way home in 1946, he threw all his medals into the Indian ocean.

My father was a man made wiser by war. He realised that it will always be Heads they Win, Tails You Lose.

from https://therealslog.com/2024/04/28/heads-they-win-tails-you-lose/

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